Tag Archives: that’s what she said

New Series: Atone Deaf

I blog about many issues all over the map of bible interpretation and theology. But two issues in particular come up again and again, and seem to define both the tenor of this blog and the reservations some have about it. Even like-minded friends have some misgivings when I raise questions about biblical inerrancy and the sacrificial understanding of Jesus’ death.

Since I recently completed my series on inerrancy, I’ll leave that topic aside (for now!) and focus on the question of “atonement.” That is, the question of meaning and accomplishment in the death of Jesus. As with inerrancy, this is a touchy subject that gets to the heart of what matters most for many Christian believers. For evangelicals in particular, a certain understanding of atonement is a central pillar of “the gospel” as they understand it. In fact, I’d say that more of my evangelical friends are comfortable asking questions about inerrancy and the nature of the Bible than are willing to dissect their beliefs about atonement. Continue reading
